World Series Champs!

Well, I am 4 days late in writing about this, so the euphoria has died down, but still, the SOX WON! I was so nervous when Delcarmen was in there. Then when Oki was pitching and gave up that homer to make it 4-3, I had to turn the sound off. Just before Atkins' homer, I was thinking of Oki having given up a homer to the first batter he ever faced this season. Must have been bad karma as that is what happened a second later. When Papelbon came in, I had to wonder how much gas he had left in him. Well, he had quite the tank-full, though that screamer out to left that Jacoby Ellsbury caught took my breath away for a second. Then when he bounced one of the throws in the dirt to Sean Smith, I thought "Oh geez, he's nervous." Afterwards Papelbon admitted that during the Smith at-bat, he had started to think about the guys all rushing out from the dugout after the final out. I bet that was when he bounced that ball in the dirt.
Anyway he pulled it together and scorched one past Smith. I had a slightly delayed reaction as I thought Smith may have fouled it off, but then I saw Varitek jump up. Wahooooooooooooooooo!
We both were really bummed not to be in Boston for the final out and the parade! Over the next 2 days, I read just about every Sox story online I could, which was not the same as being in Boston and seeing the live coverage. Maybe we'll be there next year! Hey, now that's some new found confidence that never was there before for this Sox fan.
I hope they do resign Lowell. As for Schilling, I think he's done, at least I think the Sox may be wiser to not resign him. I think he made it through the playoffs on adrenaline and willing himself to succeed more than having the talent anymore.
I just gotta say how much I love Pedroia, Ellsbury, and Papelbon. It's great that we get to experience them for many years to come.
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