watching the sox in the DR

sox won tonight and are up 1-0 in games in the ALCS. nice! i had to post a shot of the sox and liked this one of Manny from the ALDS series when he hit the walkoff homer. hope i don't get in trouble with posting that pic but they offer it as wallpaper, so i thought it would be OK.
we are of course watching the sox playoff games as we did all season with the regular games. tonight's game was only in Spanish, which is never my favorite way of watching due to my (still) not understanding the language. (very bad of me, i know). they actually cut over to the Rockies/Diamondbacks game when Gag-Me came in for the 9th. perhaps they did not want to watch him pitch - i don't blame them - but then i had to switch over to watching the game on MLB's Gameday little app. with the sox win in the bag, i am now watching the other game which is in English on ESPN interestingly enough. Fox has the TV rights but somehow ESPN gets to show the playoff games here as long as their ads are only ESPN ads.
speaking of ads, during the regular season games, they play like 5 ads over and over. it's beer, rum, banks, the local viagra (la Pela), telcos, paint. Presidente, Brugal, Banco Popular, La Pela, Orange/Claro/Verizon, and Pinturas Toucan. every ad has some sort of singing in it. you know like the catchy tune to make you remember the product. well, when you see these ads over and over again for 3 hours during a game, possibly several times a week, they can drive you crazy! we are often singing the Pinturas Toucan song, which is just so pathetic, but that's what repetition does.
by far the funniest ad has to be for La Pela (the local Viagra). it's a cartoon with granny bouncing through the house with her boobs swinging every which way. the boyfriend/husband of the daughter comes over with some flowers and granny keeps boogeying because she is obviously happy with this match-up. however the flowers start to droop and the daughter becomes upset. her father, at least i think it is him, is comforting her. granny then pops a La Pela into the vase and bang, up the plants spring to life! granny does some more boogeying with boobs going every which way and everyone is happy.
interesting how they use multiple generations in the ad. the previous ad that they had was the same way. that involved a toll booth and a toll booth arm. this new one is way better!
anyway back to baseball. i had tickets to tomorrow night's game at Fenway....won't be making it. :-( i seriously thought about it, but it was just too much money to fly up there and we're busy with clients. if they hadn't won it in 2004, i probably would have gone. i'm still wondering what i'll do if they make it to the World Series. it would be tough to not be in Boston for that. no jinxing here - i did not say they were going to make it, though tonight was certainly a good start. go sox!
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