cable TV

our cable TV was out for 4 days. some ninkumpoop at the cable TV company hit the wrong switch or something and deactivated all the cable boxes in Cabarete. this meant that they had to manually type in the numbers of each and every individual cable box in Cabarete to reactivate the cable TV. you can imagine that this took quite some time. i think they actually figured out how to switch some back on in bulk, but this took 4 days. nevermind that i am sure no one gets their money back for 4 days of missing service.
up until yesterday, i was not actually that bothered by the lack of TV since i am enjoying a good book right now, Dark Star Safari, which is about a guy who travels from Cairo to Cape Town by bus/train/car/ferry/African guagua/whatever but no planes. yesterday though i was starting to get stressed because the Sox playoff games start tomorrow. today would have been panic day with a trip to the cable TV office which is about as fun as poking your eye with a nail. the lady in the office couldn't care less if your cable is out. it's such a helpless feeling. it reminds me of all the IT departments i ever had to deal with back in my desk job days. they're supposed to be there for you, to assist you. customer service, you know? yet somehow the tables are turned and you have to beg them to do something for you. throw in that it is in another language and forget it, you are totally at their mercy.
anyway, thank god our cable is back. we still have a horrific noise when we switch to some of the channels, which we have had ever since they came to install the cable. i just cannot be bothered to try to get them to fix it. again i'd rather not poke a nail in my eye, you know?
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