bbq at Yohanna's

here we are with Yohanna inside her condo. she's an artist and does murals in people's homes like the one behind us in the photo. we were over at 106 last night for her BBQ party, which was fun. Yohanna is a riot - very funny and lots of energy. her storytelling of the adventures with dates had us all in stitches. dates with men who essentially "lied" on their profiles. she thought she'd gone on 100 dates....all without any success and many very funny situations.
at the BBQ, we met Maggie's sister, Joli (sp?), who lives in NYC and has her own company, Musical Kids International, which is basically pre-school kids learning music in a foreign language - i.e, singing songs in Korean, Japanese, Spanish, etc. and being spoken to within those same languages during the class. she's having a lot of success with it and opening schools in Brooklyn and another section of NYC which i forget where. nowadays it's so in to teach your kids a language by the time they are like 6, so this seems to be a good supplementary element to that.
it turns out that Joli/Maggie are members of a large family that are the owners of the big land in El Limon that we have shown to several clients. we seem to be finding ourselves in these types of situations a lot recently where the island feels like it is getting smaller in terms of knowing people. apparently their great grandfather owned the El Limon land and over the years the many family members visited Samana and the land, but never actually built anything but the caretaker's house on the land. Joli told us about stories of going to Los Haiteses recently and seeing etchings of her family members' names in some of the caves ("so and so was here - 19xx") and how cool that was.
well, it's another sunny, hot day on the island. we just returned from breakfast at Claro's and visiting Sandy & Rich's new place where they are living. they've done a great job doing up the place and seem to be in good shape for the baby's arrival.
well, that's all for now.
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