making it happen!
things move slowly here. when you think there are 5 steps to something, it turns out that there are 15. the answer to when something will happen often is "manana, manana, no problema". this can be frustrating when you need something done and in a timely manner. ok, ok, but you're living on an island, you say. well, true, but sometimes like with, um say, items involving real estate transactions, you need stuff to happen! you push and push people and wonder what motivates them because often it does not seem like money is the answer to that question.
every now and then we get surprised when someone actually pushes for something as hard as we would and also takes action. here's pablo, working hard to get a land survey resolved between 2 different surveyors.

check out this picture closely - he is holding 2 different cell phones together! in essence, he wanted to make sure that these 2 surveyors talked to each other and didn't want to just take their word that they would contact each other. we all got a good laugh out of this scene, including pablo, and noted how ridiculous it can be to get stuff done here!
pablo started posing for the picture, holding the phones in different ways etc. - that's just a good example of how in the end pablo always has such a great attitude about stuff and doesn't seem to let stuff stress him out. we've mellowed enough to island time to at least be recognizing the humor and be taking pictures. often here and in the real estate transaction process, you are dependent on others over which you have little to no control - lawyers, title companies, surveyors, sellers. so it is good to recognize when you need to push to make it happen or when you need to just roll with it and laugh!
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