a day on the island

we went for a late afternoon walk with the dog today. during the walk, we took this picture just a little bit down from the blue fish site. this was the first time we could so clearly see the mountains off in the distance along the coastline on the right. it was a very nice time of day, so good to capture it on film.
nothing much exciting to report on today. we made a trip into the sosua office today to talk to juan and then spent the rest of the day working from the house. after BBQ'ing, veronica is now working on her final homework assignment for the sustainable design class she is taking online. she's over across the table now, crunching away on some design. the dog looks to finally be sacked out. i am really coming to like her, though she was a bit mischievous today. we kept finding her on the street, having jumped over the small coral stone wall that surrounds the property we are at. it wouldn't be good to have to report to her owners that she had disappeared, been chewed apart by some (other) guard dog, or run over by a car.
we're getting excited for sheila and the lortie girls to arrive. we chatted on IM with sheila tonight about what she should bring, things we should do, the weather forecast, etc. hard to believe it is already time for them to come!
tomorrow we head into cabarete for a shift in that office, as well as have to go back to our apartment while someone comes and fixes the water heater. it's murphy's law that we would be away for a few days, only to come back on monday and find veronica's closet flooded from a busted water heater. there go all those leather shoes she brought (and mostly never wears!)
well, not too exciting of a blog entry, i know, but not every day on the island is exciting. though i must say you usually do see or experience something new, strange, or insane here quite regularly. i guess if you spend most of the day in perla marina, it's to be expected.
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