lingering effects of a trip to the DR
for those regularly following our blog, you may remember when sheila was visiting from boston that she and i did some KILLER boogie boarding. as sheila put it, the waves were so big that it was BONECRUSHING to go along with VERY FUN! there have been some lingering effects though for sheila from that activity. during a physical exam this week, her doctor informed her that she had SAND in her ears! now it's been a month, and i don't think that sheila is a member of the polar bear club or anything. meaning, she has not done any ocean swimming since here in the DR at the end of december. she claims not to shy away from the q-tip either. so that was indeed SOME BOOGIE BOARDING!
here's a shot of sheila's head from after our boogie boarding. it paints a good picture of how much we were rattled around in the surf and sand!

on the topic of playa grande and waves, we went back there with my mom a week ago or so. the waves were FEROCIOUS! if they were like ~5-6 feet the day we were there with sheila, i'd say they were 10-12 feet this time. i think we lucked out the day we went with sheila. they were at the very edge of what i think one could handle boogie boarding. though maybe sheila's doctor would say otherwise!
hi susie and veronica!!
sheila has sand - i still have a tan line (funny if you think about how little time i actually spent in sun and the amount of screen i used) but one of my lingering effects is regularly thinking about you two and the d.r.. it is so nice to have the blog so i can remember and relate. like when you say "we had breakfast at the extreme hotel" i can visualize and it's a nice way to revisit vacation. thank-you for being wonderful hosts! i'd really love to go to belize so is there any chance you move there next year??
hi willowe,
we're glad to hear that you enjoyed yourself here! it was great to share this place with sheila, jessie, and you. it's also fun that the blog brings you back to thoughts of your vacation here. we definitely got a kick out of sheila's physical exam results. it had to go up on to the blog. we'll think about the belize possibility. any other places you're considering? ;-)
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